Tenant Handbook

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Severe Weather and Natural Disasters

The U.S. Weather Service reports the movement of severe weather that may present a threat to metropolitan area. Tenants have the choice of evacuating or remaining in the building during a severe weather alert. If your company decides to evacuate the building, notify the Incident Commander of your intention to do so. If an early alert is given by the U.S. Weather Service and a decision is made to remain in the building, certain steps can be taken to prepare for the severe weather.

Tenants should maintain an inventory of first aid and emergency supplies to be used during severe weather.

Notify the management office of all leaks, fires, and structural or other damage during or after the storm.

If informed by the U.S. Weather Service that severe weather is imminent, follow the steps below:

  • Move to core areas of the building
  • Take cover in an interior hallway
  • Stay away from doors and windows
  • Close perimeter doors behind you

Major Natural Disasters

Disasters and emergencies affecting large areas can sometimes develop quickly. Flash floods and earthquakes, for example, can strike with little or no advance warning. Perhaps the most basic thing to remember is to KEEP CALM. In the event of a disaster or emergency: Keep your radio or television set tuned to hear weather reports and forecasts (issued by The National Weather Service) as well as other information and advice that may be broadcast by your local government. Use your telephone only to report disaster events to the Minneapolis Police Department or Minneapolis Fire Department (depending on the nature of the emergency) and Property Management. If you tie-up phone lines simply to get information, you may prevent emergency calls from being completed. Stay away from disaster area. Follow the advice and instructions of authorities in charge.

Public Utility Duties

Auxiliary Power - Center Point Energy has provided primary power.  During disasters that cause loss of primary power, the Power Company will work to restore service as quickly as possible.  Customers with vital energy power requirement should consider auxiliary generators or surge protectors for their own use.

Telephone Service

Telephone service may be interrupted during severe weather.  Telephone companies are capable of installing emergency service lines to Customers having compatible switching equipment.  Customers requiring emergency service should ask their telephone representative for specific information.

Building Duties

The following actions will be taken by the Building Staff:

  • Frequent contact will be maintained with the U.S. Weather Service.
  • Building Patrols will be performed continually by the security officer on duty, the property manager and engineering staff to monitor building damage.
  • Emergency repairs will be made when weather permits.
  • A thorough search for safety hazards will be conducted.
  • Constant communications will be maintained with Public Utilities until all disrupted service is restored.
  • The Building Management Staff will update the Shorenstein Tenant National Emergency Number 800 589 2554 of the condition of the Building and its ability to be reopened for normal use.


By definition, a tornado warning is an alert by the National Weather Service confirming a tornado sighting and location. Keep a radio tuned in to hear whether the Weather Service will announce the approximate time of detection and direction of movement. In the Event of a Tornado Warning: REMAIN CALM. Stay away from the interior perimeter of the building and all exterior glass. Leave your exterior office and close the door. Go to an enclosed stairwell and move to basement level if time permits and it is safe to do so. Sit down in stairwell or core areas and protect yourself by putting head as close to your lap as possible, or kneel protecting your head. If you are trapped in an outside office, seek protection under a desk or sturdy table. Keep your own radio or television set tuned to a local station for updated information.

Water Interruption

A temporary interruption of the water supply may result in the disruption of building services. Without water, it is not possible to maintain sanitary conditions or building cooling systems. Additionally, water interruption limits the Fire Department’s ability to extinguish fires.